Training methods

‘Sim-Swim’ is as simple as it is efficient; it consists of simulating crawl, backstroke, or double arm backstroke swimming… in front of the TV! In order for the simulation to be effective, it must be followed as precisely as possible,…

Purpose of Sim Swim

The objectives of the ‘Sim-Swim’ method can vary notably, from simply psycho-physical well-being which comes from doing sports, to toning the core muscles (abs, pecs, lats, shoulders, arms), to permanent weight loss, to true competitive…

Types of training

FITNESS: Aero, Power, Speed ENDURANCE: Sprint, Olympic, Half-Ironman, Ironman, 5km (3,1 Mi.), 10km (6,2 Mi.)


There are numerous advantages to ‘Sim-Swim’. The practicality of having a ‘virtual pool’ in your home or wherever you are Training programmes personalised to your needs and ambitions Freedom from having to travel or follow a schedule Freedom…

What is Sim-Swim

‘Sim-Swim’ (Simulated Swimming) is a solid answer to a need that cannot always be met: to swim, and therefore improve your physique, cardiovascular activity, and aerobic performance. Now you can lose weight, get toned, and face the day with…

Who is it for

‘Sim-Swim’ is the ideal activity for anyone who wants to stay in shape and loves swimming, but doesn’t have much time because of work, family or logistics. Let’s think for a moment about when you go to traditional swimming classes: You…